Get the price range of River Valley Green Residences
These are just rough estimates, and the actual price range of River Valley Green Residences might vary depending on the market conditions, the developer's pricing strategy, and the availability of units. The best way to find out the exact price range of River Valley Green is to contact the developer or the sales agent and register your interest. You can also join the waitlist for the project and be the first to know about the latest updates and promotions.
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The price range of River Valley Green is not publicly available yet, but you can get an estimate based on some factors, such as:
• Location: River Valley Green Residences launch date is located in the prime River Valley area, near Orchard Road, a global shopping destination. This is one of the most desirable and expensive locations in Singapore, with high demand and limited supply of land. The average price of condos in this area is about $2,800 per square foot.
• Size: River Valley Green offers a variety of unit sizes, ranging from one-bedroom to four-bedroom units. The larger the unit, the higher the price. The average size of condos in this area is about 1,200 square feet.
• Quality: River Valley Green is developed by a reputed developer, known for their high-quality work and attention to detail. The project features luxurious and modern design, eco-friendly features, and smart home systems. The project also includes a range of facilities, such as a gym, pool, clubhouse, and landscaped gardens. The quality of the project will affect the price, as buyers will pay more for premium features and amenities.
Based on these factors, you can estimate the price range of River Valley Green New Condo by multiplying the average price per square foot by the unit size, and adding a premium for the quality. For example, a one-bedroom unit of 600 square feet might cost around $1.68 million ($2,800 x 600), plus a 10% premium for the quality, which is $1.85 million. A four-bedroom unit of 2,000 square feet might cost around $5.6 million ($2,800 x 2,000), plus a 10% premium for the quality, which is $6.16 million.
River Valley Green Residences | Price Range
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